Commit to making Scotland a global player
Developing Scotland’s export capabilities is essential to maintaining and creating sustainable economic growth.
Our research has shown that many companies that export, experience a positive impact to profit and sales in the first 12 months...
Building a more confident Scotland
We need to build a Scotland with the ambition to succeed and the vision to innovate; a Scotland that invests in talent and young people; that is forward thinking and creative and crucially a...
Centre caters for everyone
The Alexander Graham Bell Centre for Digital health is located in the Moray College UHI campus in central Elgin, and offers a number of facilities for a range of organisations working in related fields...
No complacency with cyber-security
If you’re running a small business, you’ll know just how many man hours went into getting your enterprise off the ground, and how much money you’ve invested trying to get the company established. It...
Pathway to Employment
TIGERS are a private commercial training provider and employment broker based in Glasgow with training outlets in the Central and East of Scotland whilst covering other geographical areas on demand.
For our training programmes we...
Helping to raise young people’s aspirations and life chances
Career Ready links employers with schools, providing a talented pool of students, eager to develop practical workplace skills.
Career Ready (formerly Career Academies UK) is an ambitious business-led charity that helps raise young people’s aspirations...
Scottish Apprenticeship Week is approaching
With Scottish Apprenticeship Week just around the corner, now is a perfect time to consider Investors in Young People (IIYP) and how it could benefit your business.
Scottish Apprenticeship Week highlights how valuable apprenticeships are...
Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) – Working with Businesses for a Sustainable Future
Since its creation in 2012, from the merger of the Scottish Agricultural College, Oatridge, Elmwood and Barony Colleges, Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) has established itself as the major provider of land-based and rural education...
Go on to achieve great things
Since its establishment over 50 years ago, Inverness College UHI has cultivated an excellent relationship with the Scottish business community through its commitment to supporting the training needs of industry as well as individuals.
One of the UK’s leading producers of fish and seafood is urging other employers...
Dawnfresh Seafoods, which is based in Uddingston, has already recruited some young people from the company’s first Certificate of Work Readiness group. They were offered Modern Apprenticeships and are working in new product development...