We certainly have been living through strange times have we not?

On 13th March, our business came to a crashing halt with only one service still running so that key workers could get to work. Fortunately, we were able to use our vehicles for community work: our Car Club electric cars were used by the Health and Social Care Partnership for daily food and prescription deliveries, hospital runs and to get people to work; we took all the seats out of one of the buses and used it regularly to transport food across the county for the Ayrshire Food Bank; and we collected and delivered food for another charity, the 10:10 Trust so that they could get on with their vital work of delivering meals to people.

Happy to say that from mid-August, we will be having both the cars and our wheelchair accessible minibuses back on the road, fulfilling our remit of connecting people with the places and facilities they need.

We are really looking forward to re-connecting with our older, socially isolated clients and taking them out (suitably socially-distanced and PPE’d of course!), and working with our clients with additional support needs again as well as gradually re-introducing our other services too. It won’t be easy, it won’t be quick, and we are looking to develop new services in response to the ongoing situation, but we’re ready and very keen to get going.

Contact us via our websites
www.sacommunitytransport.org and www.sact-carclub.co.uk, our Facebook pages or ring 01292 270864/270865