Coaching is missing from too many organisations. Often wrongly seen as the last resort, it can empower your workforce in ways that will accelerate business performance as well as support your people

Whether you think of coaching as a skillset or as a profession, a coaching approach offers immense value when it comes to personal, team and organisational development.

Underpinning much of workplace life from corporate values through to succession planning and risk management, coaching skills provide a competitive advantage to anyone who manages a team or works in people management.

Here are the three top reasons why coaching skills are indispensable for workplaces in the new normal.

1. Building a change-ready culture

70% of change management initiatives fail, but research from the International Coaching Federation (ICF) has found that high-performing organisations have more successful change management strategies in place and that those with strong coaching cultures are likelier to have better business outcomes.

New problems, uncertainty and complex markets demand new thinking. Leaders, managers, and employees will benefit from coaching, so they are less resistant, better prepared for change, have higher resilience and more confidence to work with the unknown.

Coaching helps build a culture that is always learning, where freedom and autonomy feed motivation and where workers can feel safe to try.

2. Leadership and management fit for the future

The ICF estimates that the number of leaders/managers using coaching skills has risen by 46% in its 2020 Global Coaching Study. 93% of those had received some coach-specific training and 79% through accredited programmes.

This supports the trend for our leaders to have better people management skills. Leadership and management are being redefined and need a different set of attributes and capabilities to succeed in the modern and complex workplace. Leader or manager as coach is the new ideal with a good understanding of self-awareness and a clear focus on facilitation, trust, empathy, collaboration, autonomy, and a growth-orientated mindset.

Coaching supports leaders to be authentic, open and enables them to cultivate environments in which people can thrive. Building better communication, resilience, and problem-solving skills, coaching enables leaders to better engage, empower and lead others.

3. Unlocking your peoples’ potential

Employees are an organisation’s most valuable asset. People who are recognised and appreciated are engaged in their work and when encouraged to further their skills, are driven to success. Coaching will help your people reach a higher level of effectiveness and improve their self-awareness.

As work also becomes more complex and functions change, our responsibility is to keep our employees relevant whilst also nurturing our talent pipeline. Coaching enriches careers, empowers self-directed learning, scales development, and stretches employees’ capabilities. It promotes autonomy, competence and relatedness and enables them to do their best work on a personal level, as team members and as contributors to the organisation’s future direction.

Coaching Skills Certificate

This programme combines theory and participation to allow you to practise coaching skills in person, gain insights into how coaching is used and how it can be applied in your line of work.

26th and 27th January 2021, virtual

Free Information Event

You are invited to the free virtual event to discover more about coaching and becoming a coach with the AoEC.

3rd February 2021, virtual

Practitioner Diploma in Executive Coaching

If you are exploring your options on training to become a professional coach, our triple-accredited experiential diploma enables you to develop your own coaching model as you deepen your expertise and coaching techniques.

Starting 27th April 2021, virtual

Find out more