Developing the Young Workforce West Lothian is a seven-year programme aimed at strengthening links between businesses and education with the headline aim of reducing youth unemployment by 40% by 2021. Engaging with young people, parents, teachers and practitioners, partners and employers. Supporting teachers and practitioners to develop children’s and young people’s learning about the world of work and to provided earlier relevant, labour-market focussed career advice when young people need it

They have recently launched the DYW website which contains their Think Box: This is West Lothian’s unique platform for gathering ideas and suggestions from young people, parents, educators and businesses as to how DYW can best connect businesses, young people and education in the local area. The DYW are collating these ideas on an ongoing basis and will use these to shape their programme of delivery for the benefit of all involved, making sure that local needs and demands are meet. Soon to follow on from the Think Box is their Online Portal, which is currently in development, and aims to be a “one-stop shop” portal of information which facilitates communication between businesses and education.

The DYW Online Portal launching on the 1st June 2017 will be the tool that everyone in West Lothian, businesses, education and young people alike, will access to create and source meaningful opportunities.