Children in Distress is a UK charity that was founded in 1989. Working in partnership with the Romanian charity foundation ‘Fundatia Copii în Dificultate’ located in Bucharest, Romania. Children in Distress UK exists to provide personal care, dismantle the stereotypes and destroy barriers encompassing disability.

Our charity focuses on raising funds across the UK to help support some of the most vulnerable children in Romania by providing specialist hospice care, educational community outreach programmes and specialist medical care for children, families, and communities across Romania.

Until 2022 St Margaret’s Hospice, provided the specialist care to the vulnerable infants and children of Romania who have complex neurological needs and/or physical disabilities. The centre provided for those who needed assistance to prevail over discrimination providing an opportunity to improve their future.

The work provided by Children in Distress UK has contributed significantly to the wellbeing and welfare of children in Romania over the last 34 years; with our original focus being caring for children with HIV/AIDS, we have developed further over this time by providing respite, palliative and end-of-life care as well as proving some of the best trained and skilled paediatric nurses in Romania.

Casa Maria is the brand-new children’s family house in Romania, which builds on the legacy of St Margaret’s. The professional team in Romania collaborate with local authorities and other key strategic partners to help improve and create a better quality of care and education for the children in our care.

Our aim for the future is to create a respite space, Pineview Lodge in Zarnesti, that will provide and inspire social interactions of children of mixed abilities and a relaxing environment for children and their carers.

If you feel that you are able to support Children in Distress in their work and ambition to support as many children as possible in Romania, you can donate at or if you are able to provide corporate or personal volunteering support to us to complete our valuable work and campaigns contact us at