The Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry is inviting businesses to share their experiences of the pandemic and any lessons they believe should be learned so that Scotland is better prepared in future.
Business owners, directors, managers, entrepreneurs, the self-employed, freelancers, and others in the business community are being asked to complete a survey to help inform the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry’s investigations and recommendations. The survey is being run by the Inquiry’s listening project, Let’s Be Heard.
Who is the survey for?
Businesses of all sizes, operating in all sectors and locations across Scotland, are being invited to take part in the survey to help the independent Inquiry better understand the unequal impacts of the pandemic. To that end, the Inquiry is also inviting third sector organisations such as charities, social enterprises and community groups to share their views.
The business survey’s questions explore topics such as access to financial support; information provided to businesses relating to the pandemic; and key worker status.
Let’s Be Heard is also keen to hear about changing ways of working; any impact on turnover or profitability; issues related to staff recruitment, retention or training; how business owners were affected personally and what, if anything, should have been done differently.
Dr Alexandra Anderson, Head of Let’s Be Heard, said: “Everyone in Scotland has been affected by the pandemic. Thousands of people have lost their lives, and many others continue to be profoundly affected. Lessons people believe should be drawn from their experiences, both positive and negative, will be at the heart of the Inquiry’s investigations.
“We are incredibly grateful to everyone who has contributed their experiences of the pandemic to the project so far. Our team is continuing its public engagement work and analysing the experiences shared.”
How do I complete the survey?
Please visit to complete the survey and find out more about Let’s Be Heard. The survey closes on 31 August 2024.
Paper versions of the survey can also be requested by phone or email, as well as different formats or languages to meet the needs of different businesses and members of the business community.
Experiences can be shared in writing in any language, or by uploading an audio file or video file (of British Sign Language) to the Let’s Be Heard website.
What is Let’s Be Heard?
The Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry is investigating the devolved response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Scotland between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2022. Let’s Be Heard is the main way in which people can contribute to the Inquiry and it aims to give a voice to as many people as possible. Experiences shared with Let’s Be Heard, including through its business survey, are helping inform the Inquiry’s investigations, its reports and, ultimately, its recommendations to Scottish Ministers.
Let’s Be Heard’s national engagement period ran from May to December 2023 and captured more than 5,400 experiences from people across Scotland. The project published its first report in November 2023, which shared its preliminary findings. The report can be read on the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry’s website at
Accessible experience sharing
In addition to the business survey, the Let’s Be Heard team has created materials in different formats to make participation as simple as possible. These include Easy Read, large print, translations into some of the most commonly spoken languages in Scotland, a Braille version and a form designed specifically for children and young people and groups.
An engagement guide to help facilitate group discussions is available online, or paper copies can be requested by emailing Let’s Be Heard. Where possible, the Let’s Be Heard team would be keen to attend group discussions to listen and take notes.
How to share your experiences with Let’s Be Heard
To take part in Let’s Be Heard’s survey for businesses, please visit The deadline is 31 August 2024.
To find out more information or ask Let’s Be Heard a question, please:
- visit the Let’s Be Heard website at
- email
- write to Freepost SCOTTISH COVID-19 INQUIRY
- leave a voicemail message at 0808 175 5555.