Over the summer months, the EDIC team have been promoting the service to the counties of Caithness, Sutherland, Orkney and Shetland by visiting the regional agricultural shows which are always a popular event in the area’s social calendar. EDIC representatives attended five shows covering over 300 miles in total. Bags were packed full of information, a prize draw suited to each location, free goodies and waterproofs, just in case!
The EDIC team were thrilled to see so many people and pleased to engage with approximately 200 people on their concerns around Brexit. The majority of people were concerned about the potential impact on the UK economy, and the team will be doing their best to relay these concerns back to the European Commission and UK Government. There were also several European nationals worried about their rights to stay in the UK after Brexit.
Thankfully, the heatwave that hit the UK this summer didn’t miss out the North Highlands and the waterproofs stayed in the car!
These outreach events offered an important opportunity for the team to talk with members of the public directly, making them aware of the service on offer and that people can drop in or call to ask questions about Europe, European matters or Citizens Rights.
The office is open from 8am-5pm Monday-Friday and the EDIC team are firm believers that there is no such thing as a silly question. They can’t promise to know all the answers, but have access to experts and will do their utmost to support individuals, communities, and businesses to navigate through these uncertain times.
To keep up to date with EDIC, or to contact them digitally, you can find them on Facebook facebook.com/edicnhi and on Twitter @edicnhi.