GDPR Discovery is a complete, automated software platform to support GDPR compliance at its most fundamental level.
Microtech GDPR software has the power to redact personal identifiable information at the click of a button and is a single, best practice solution, to best suit the individual requirements of each customer.
There is a choice of three, complementary modules that address each of the primary sources that are at risk of holding or hiding personal data – Paper, Files and Data. These modules can be easily configured into any permutation to provide the most relevant, affordable and deliverable solution to the customer.
PaperSafe – GDPR means that you cannot now avoid digitising all paperwork that may contain personal data. Having scanned it, you then need to discover the exact existence & nature (or not) of personal data across and within all the scanned documents. This needs to be a constant process of paper scanning, processing and reporting for personal data as new scans are generated.
FileSafe – Similar issues apply to any document images (e.g. BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF) and digitally generated documents (e.g. Microsoft Excel, Publisher, PowerPoint, Visio, Word or HTML, PDF, RTF and Text files)
DataSafe – Here, discovery is performed against relevant Line of Business systems, databases and data sources to find all instances of personal data; in particular, finding within metadata fields (data item labels) and free text sequences/silos (i.e. unstructured text in a structured data system). Any of these may contain personal data which must be found, reported and managed.
Therefore, our GDPR Discovery software is the perfect ‘finding’ technology that provides an automated answer to the What, Why, When How, Where and Who of personal data discovery for GDPR compliance.
Quite simply without the fundamental process of ‘discovery’ no organisation can achieve (let alone maintain) GDPR compliance.