This winter thousands of families in Scotland are struggling to feed and clothe their children and can’t afford to keep warm.

The impact on mental health as well as children’s health and education is devastating.

One mum Chelsea supported by Aberlour Children’s Charity reports that; “As a parent you just feel like a failure. You feel like what have I done so wrong that I can’t afford to give my kids better food or have to go without electricity.

“I know my kids see me struggle which is another worry; I’m often down and upset. My eldest is eight years old and it’s a lot of pressure on him. He asks if he can stay off school to help me. He has already taken on a lot to help me but he’s only little. He has had to deal with stress that no kid should have to deal with. It’s just horrible.”

Teachers report many barriers at home and the impact on education. Children arrive at school without having breakfast. How can they be expected to concentrate on their school work when they’re hungry?

One teacher says: “The weather is colder, and we’ve got children coming to school with holes in their shoes. It sounds like a cliché but that is a reality. I can’t imagine being asked to go and do a full day at my job with soaking wet feet, but this is the situation many families are facing.”

Aberlour’s Urgent Assistance Fund provides poverty relief for struggling families. Emergency cash grants are given to Scottish families most in need to access the basics required to feed and clothe their children and to provide heating and lighting for their homes.

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