By Ayah Alfawaris, Energy Policy Manager

2.9% of all energy generated across Europe gets wasted through distribution transformers.

This equates to 93TWh of annual energy waste and to put that into perspective, this amount of energy could power Denmark for three years. Network losses in the UK account for 1.5% of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions and quarter of all network losses come from distribution transformers.

The European Commission introduced Ecodesign Regulations for transformer losses to prevent the installation of inefficient transformers across the UK and Europe. Tier 1 & Tier2 of Ecodesign regulations came into force in 2015 and 2021 respectively. Wilson Power Solutions addressed transformer losses by changing the design of its transformers and using an amorphous metal core instead of conventional CRGO.

Wilson e3 Ultra Low Loss Amorphous transformer is the UK’s most energy-efficient distribution transformer; it is 15% more energy-efficient than industry-standard transformers. Upgrading to Wilson e3 allows organisations to have carbon, energy and financial savings.

The average age of a distribution transformer in the UK is 63 years old. Replacing old transformers creates a huge opportunity for organisations to reduce their carbon emissions and advance net zero. Replacing a 1000kVA transformer installed in the ’50s with a Wilson e3 saves over 59MWh annually which equate to 377tCO2 over 30 years with £328k of lifetime savings. Such an investment has only two years of payback.

In Scotland, Wilson amorphous transformers have been installed at many organisations such as Ninewells Hospital, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh University, a few RAF bases and many more.

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