Tourism: Destination Net Zero

By Malcolm Roughead, Chief Executive, VisitScotland. Our scenery, nature and landscapes are among Scotland’s most special features. They’re loved across the world and are undoubtedly an integral part of our DNA as a destination. But with these precious...

An encouraging outlook for tourism

With summer in Scotland underway, I am buoyed by the positivity and passion on display throughout our industry. The return of international visitors along with major events and new visitor experiences give our businesses...

First Bus leads way with electric charging partnership offer

First Bus, a leader in the transport revolution towards net zero, has bolstered the range of support it can offer to businesses across Glasgow and Aberdeen to help them reach their zero emission targets. First...

CGI flagship event focuses on innovation through collaboration

Scotland’s leading executives gathered in St Andrews for a day of talks, discussion and networking on the many ways businesses and organisations are collaborating to deliver tangible change for citizens. The need to harness the...

How CGI’s commitment to diversity is providing opportunities for the next generation of Scots...

The technology sector is flourishing. Opportunities that come with skilled jobs are continuing to grow apace. But for some, that world of opportunity can still feel light years away. That is why companies like CGI...

It’s time for Scotland to focus its future on digital skills and learning, connected...

Scotland finds itself at an economic crossroads due to COVID-19. The lockdowns and restrictions imposed to suppress the pandemic over the course of the past 14 months have badly affected key sectors of the...

Scottish biotech firm Dyneval has the edge on competitors

Dyneval is delighted to announce that it was awarded £100K as the IBioIC EDGE winner at this year’s Scottish EDGE17 awards final. Dyneval is an exciting new venture in the Scottish biotech sector, having already...

Connecting for Good: don’t stop giving employees time to work in their communities

The more I talk to Scottish businesses about social impact and giving back, the more heartened I am to witness a genuine shift towards more meaningful community support. But as restrictions ease and isolation...

New service for redundant apprentices supports recruitment process

The Apprentice Transition Plan service was developed by Skills Development Scotland in order to support apprentices made redundant through the impact of COVID-19. The service will help individuals market themselves to prospective employers. The support is...

On track with Scotrail as latest scqf inclusive recruiter

ScotRail is the most recent organisation to become an SCQF Inclusive Recruiter, committing to using SCQF levels in its recruitment processes. ScotRail provides nearly 100 million passenger journeys each year, with over 2,300 intercity, regional...