Encouraging more active and sustainable travel options to employees not only has a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of your workforce but brings with it significant business benefits too.
save money on the cost of providing and maintaining parking spaces
save money on energy bills in offices as well as reviewing office lease arrangements.
solve problems caused by demand for parking
cut mileage claims and other business travel costs
reduce staff downtime spent travelling on business
reduce the costs of running a fleet
solve delivery and customer access problems caused by traffic congestion around your site
improve your image with both customers, suppliers and neighbours
improve staff health and reduce absenteeism
help recruit and keep staff by making journeys to work easier and cheaper, and improving your image as a responsible employer
improve your corporate social responsibility reputation, including meeting environmental targets.
Travelknowhow offers organisations across Scotland FREE guidance and support to aid with the development, implementation and communication of active and sustainable travel measures in the workplace. Find out more at www.travelknowhowscotland.co.uk . Travel to work is changing, register today and let us help you on your journey.
Get in touch today
If you are looking for some additional information or support to help you with the implementation of active and sustainable travel measures at this time, or are planning ahead for a return to workplaces, please get in touch with the team at: info@travelknowhowscotland.co.uk.
You can also find us at www.facebook.com/tkhscotland/ and www.linkedin.com/company/travel-know-how-scotland/