While we find ourselves in another national lockdown, why not take an hour to attend a virtual workshop aimed at supporting businesses to encourage more active and sustainable options for commuting as and when we are able to return to workplaces – planning ahead for a greener return to work.
As so many of us have had to adapt to a change in our working practices, now is an opportunity to support employees to consider how they can look to change their own commuting behaviour longer term.
Throughout January and February 2021, Travelknowhow Scotland is delivering a series of FREE virtual workshops to help organisations consider how travel planning for the longer term can provide greater workplace flexibility, drive efficiencies and allow businesses to create their own greener normal that is beneficial to all.
As well as helping you develop a workplace travel plan, the workshops will also help organisations to navigate the many schemes, funding opportunities and active and sustainable travel behaviour initiatives that are available across Scotland.
Organisations signing up to the workshops will also been given the opportunity to take advantage of some FREE consultancy time, providing them with valuable, hands on support for their specific workplace. This free consultancy time is limited and will be allocated by region, on a first come, first serve basis.
There are limited spaces available at each virtual workshop, so if you are interested please email info@travelknowhowscotland.co.uk to express your interest and Travelknowhow Scotland will confirm the dates and times of workshop happening in your area.
More information can be found on the Travelknowhow Scotland website.