Whether you are a pioneering business or a collaborative partnership the RSPB Nature of Scotland Awards want to celebrate those delivering for nature.
With headline sponsor NatureScot, we recognise the people and initiatives protecting Scotland’s nature – we are open to all and it’s free to take part.
Businesses have a critical role to play in fighting the nature and climate emergencies. The Nature of Scotland Awards Business for Nature category recognise those who can demonstrate a whole business approach to helping nature in Scotland.
As a business, the decisions you make can have a positive impact for Scotland’s habitats and wildlife – business can benefit nature. This award celebrates companies which grasp the opportunity with both hands and go beyond token gestures towards saving nature. We want to hear from businesses in all sectors and of all sizes – from the small businesses using their knowledge of local wildlife to the sector leaders – making real changes for nature.
Tell us what you achieved for nature, and how this fitted with your corporate objectives. We’re looking for evidence of nature having truly benefitted, not just offsetting. Explain how your business has taken steps to tackle biodiversity loss, actively reduced its environmental footprint or gone above and beyond normal business practice to benefit nature. Applications will be judged based on the impact achieved in proportion to the size of business and available resource.
Find out more and apply online by 28 May:
Email awards@rspb.org.uk